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This is is the rest of the story, a continuation of the last post, where you have had the first bit, to fill you in on a bit of background from where I have come from. This helps me to put it all into perspective, as often when you can view yourself as how other people see you, you can see things quite plainly that you never saw before! I will be talking about harmful spirits, and this is only intened to expose what they can get up to, not to put the wind up you, but because you are drawn to this article anyway, there will be something in this article for you worth investegating further. Remember, there are many helpful and loving spirits, who want to give us help, are there to guide us, but we need to use our will and ask for the help!!!! This is as much for the spirits to read, as it is for us.
While nestled away quietly in my mother’s womb, I have been attacked by harmful angry women spirits. Sounds really, really strange? I don’t know if it happens to all growing souls in this nest like place, I can only answer for myself and the feeling I have had of it, getting into some emotions of attack from women spirits upon my uterus (at this age now). This particular group of women spirits have it in for babies and the baby making parts. There are male spirits who have their own type of blame on babies, children and females, female anatomy, & mothers as well, but I will talk about them another time.
These women divide also in to particular group angry at those who have had the experience of having children, having missed out themselves or maimed or died in the process of creating or having a child, and a group of women who are angry at those women who haven’t had the burden of children, and can do whatever they like with their lives. These are only two groups that I am talking about, that have been hanging around with me at war with each other, but what they share in common is that they have all sorts of emtoional injuries about babies, and these innocent babies get the blame for “causing” these feelings inside of these spirits, or they want to take it out on me as the adult woman for making a choice that they don't agree with, so I am still coping it. There are many more groups of unloving spirits, that are still interested in other things to do with this earth life. For their own reasons, but I am using the ladies with me as an example.
These feelings already existed within these lady spirits though, genetically through their physical body & spirit body created for them by their parents on earth, and the general feelings of the environment at the time that they grew up in.
These ladies have many emotions about the physical & monetary burden of children and many other emotions. Emotions they felt when they were in their own mother’s womb, or experienced when their own babes where inside of them growing, and how they felt, looked, and in relation to their relationship with their partner, males, whatever happened in between the relationship with the male in her life. The babe gets the blame, morning sickness, swollen legs, feeling fat and whale - like, my beautiful figure has gone forever, not attractive to the male, the lack of sex, or the feelings of rape, or being a sexual object, rejection as a woman cause the man doesn’t really want to have another child, the the burden of another mouth to feed, another bum to wipe, etc...............just like mothers often have a feeling of here in the physiscal, but the spirits can get away with a bit more cause most of us can't see what they are up to.
some women's spirits feelings : "Feeling like a slave to the ungrateful snot noses, can’t have proper conversations, or make them see reason, not a good mother, can’t cope, want to get rid of these kids, life was easier before they came along, I was happier, I was free, my relationship was good, we had more money, we were not stressed." But instead of getting to the cause of these feelings, keeping a lid on them and only now expressing anger about how they still feel. Just like mothers often have a feeling here in the physical....but would not act on how they feel (some do, some get caught, some get away with it ). Most of us don't see spirits though, so they have been getting away with not very nice actions, influencing where they can for a very long time!
Some women from these groups with me have been trying to project their rage at me, as the unborn child, so I would miscarry, see if they could influence the mother via her unowned emotions, to abort, which mum did not do, they then tryed to keep me under their control, by soothing me when I do what they want, or threatening me when I do not do what they want. So I became hooked into them emotionally, just as I was to pleasing my own mother.
Recently they have tried to harm my life, as I am not co-operating with them, via my unhealed emotions which gives them access to my Uterus area. The key, to the door into me I have left under my front door mat. Via my fears, I have been experiencing heavy bleeding, last month almost went uncontrollable, enough to frighten the shit out of me, fearing that I might die out of loss of blood. Anyway this did not happen. They used my fear of death to place more fear in me of the threat of what they could do, if I do not stop what I am doing. Which is working through my causal emotions to do with why I am hooked into them emotionally, what feelings I am avoiding feeling when a mother type figure is angry with me. this is how I can unhook their influence from me.
I have been thinking of other women in the world have such heavy bleeding, and the women that actually do have to go to hospital that have blood transfusions, all influenced by spirits... and then that makes me think of any person who has some sort of illness, being influenced by spirits and all the different types of illnesses in the world, they are a busy bunch of unloving spirits up there! And yes there are many more loving spirts trying to help as well.
I also think about if they are successful in their threats with me, I hope I get to the causal emotions before that. Some of you will think that this is the whacky- est note in the world, look how deluded she is, probably my family if they read this!!!!!! And others won’t think that of at all! As many others that are facing stopping the giving into the addictive relationships with the spirits that hang around with them, themselves, not cooperating any more, will be already experiencing these threats in different ways, depending on emotions in error& what groups of spirits they have hanging around.
Why do these women do this? To have some sense of power over & control, to avoid their own feelings of fear and grief. (having led powerless types of existences in earthlife ) Bigger picture, many of them don't really want to do it so much, just they are being bullied into it by fear of more "powerful" (spirits that bully with fear better, than what they can, they are manipulated into joining )
The bigger bully one's want to have Global Power, over women and children, and some men. I am only surmising this bit, the scenario that they would want to at some stage overthrow the some of the biggger groups of men, and become the dominant ones, & get some more power & "Justice".
But they do wish to control with fear, they learned how to do it from what they experienced in childhood, they get other spirit women to join their cause, or they will threaten them enough until they do, taking control, by making the others afraid of them, getting them to compromise their own sense of what is right into doing very dark things to others, encouraging these newly acquired members souls that soon match the darkness of the rest. Of course there are groups of male spirits as well, doing the same.
Sounds like some of the stories that you hear about prisons, regimes that have ruled some countries at times, think about it....
There are big groups of spirits, that as a big group, they can project scary images to us mere groups of people on the earth, making themselves appear like huge dragons, monsters, space creatures and the like, controlling us to make do things out of fear, that we may have not otherwise have done. Darkening the earth, and making it become more in rapport with the darkness in their own soul. Sounds like a freaky Harry Potter Story.
They can see our emotions displayed on our spirit body, and can know if certain force is applied, this person is highly likely to crumble!
They GET OFF ON the control & power that they didn’t have in their earth lives’, the sense of this drowns out for a while the feelings in their soul. Their actions that are way out of harmony with love.
The compensation for the unloving acts puts more emotional pain upon their souls, and they feel that why stop now, they are already craven, and dark, they cannot be “helped” not that they want the help. They believe it is too late so they will just keep doing this, because at least they do get GREAT ENJOYMENT out of this. It is funny, fickle, gives a feeling of justice and revenge, something to look forward to, hurting somebody becomes cruel pleasure, and “we”are GOOD at it, capable of something! (I have some spirits to talk to in private, do talk to some if you feel to) They are after all just poor injured souls, sister, our brother, God's other children, our siblings.
Oh how they revel in darkening others souls to keep them in a dark. They are comforted by that darkness, and affraid of the light, as in the light they see their soul condition displey on their spirit body. It is very sad condition, in their effort to stop another soul from realising the Truth that - in Truth, this fearful looking, threatening spirits have no real power over love. That these spirits are afraid (many will never admit that ) But if they could only think of the times when they had a little seed of faith, at the time when they were young when there was some inner strength that they could hold onto, and that we could all pray for them and to love them instead of fearing them.
Maybe in this way, when we have the feeling that one of their pack, at the moment of that one spirit feeling such a desire to escape, that they are so sick of being like this, in the mob, the moment of the will changing, that that moment is the moment where the Law of Freewill allows us to step in and help that spirit. This is the time where a soul will reach for help! So be ready for those moments if you are capable to assist. Often other spirits may want help too, when they see the other spirit want something different, or the opposite, they will try to threaten that spirit back into the pack.
The spirits don’t understand the pain that they feel when they are in the presence of a Celestial spirit, which is the error being exposed in the Light of Love. Some feel they are being attacked, by some bright bombardment. The brighter spirits dull their brightness down to the point of when the other can stand it, but still in the presence of Love, the emotions of error in their souls are rattled.
They often feel ashamed in front of a much brighter spirit, that has so much beauty in comparison to how they look, as spirits feelings in the soul are displayed on the outside, unlike our earthly life, where we hide in our facade.
They know that they have no power over love, they have no power over the bright spirits who are on the opposite side of the gauge, where brightness is the amount of Love in your soul and Darkness is the amount of fear in your soul.
If they think that they can rule by fear, they will play us, using the remote control, Even our light can be painful to them but if they can manipulate us into dimming our own souls, encouraging us to do unloving actions and becoming less bright, now they have got some kind of control.
They do not want us to know in our hearts that fear has no power over Love. They do not want us to get out of error, as if we do, they have no way of controlling us.
They are affraid of the bright ones, they hide from this love. Just like the Love that is coming increasingly to this earth from God, shaking things around stirring things up, exposing error, how we are out of harmony with Love! It can feel cataclysmic, painful, torturous, but that is the error being exposed! If only these spirits could come to know this! It is not the love that is painful but the error, that is having the light shone upon it!!!!!
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