Thursday, 1 March 2012

Shared Soul Mate Experience with Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Breast Feeding

Talking about soul mate feelings in the last post, I now have remembered a few years ago, my partner and I were talking about soulmates, I had processed some emotions, I would have to look in my journal to give you an indication about what sort of feelings and beliefs out of harmony they were, and got into some feelings in my heart about soulmates and pregnancy. 
( I think it was something to do with feeling like as a woman, I had an ownership of the child,   that I had the “right” to not even include the male & tell him that I was pregnant with our baby, or to allow him any voice in the descision to have or have not an abortion)
It went a bit like this.......when we become at-one with the other half of our soul, our soul mate,  at this stage, I don’t know what gay coulples will be capable of creating together, but a with heterosexual soulmate pair, just imagine,  what it will be like when the male can experience the feelings of their female half, that they can feel the child growing inside, and experience exactly what the mother experiences, as they are so inter connected in their feelings!
My beautiful man was so in love with the idea that this could be possible, that this is how it could be!!!!!!  A dream come true for him.  He was a house mum, when his first wife and himself had a baby, and would have loved to feel more of a part of that "mother- child" exclusivity, to be able to experience exactly everything the woman feels, and to be so closely experiencing the child, together!

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