Sunday, 11 December 2011

The Awakening

On the brink
I can feel it there
The true me
Not wanting to be
Kept in that cage any more

The old me
Affraid to let that creature out
There will be no going back
Why aren't I ripping open that door

Am I affraid that
I wont exist anymore
This person full of error
And trapped in fear!!!

I have that key
I had it all along
That's trickey
I've got the key
To the whole city

Come on, you can do it
Turn it, my hands shake
I fear that I will be lost
And I will no longer exist

That I will be a tool
Again for somebody elses use
Like it has always been
So I still want to be
In that cage for safe keeping
.....a false sense of security!!!

God, you offe me freewill
How can I be so blind
Fear blinds me to Love
"They" say Love is Blind
That is FAR from the truth
Affraid of You, who is only LOVE

I put my head in the sand
Each time I do not want to
See it, the Truth, the key
Your Love for ME
To help my soul to break
The mould that traps it
And stops it, compresses
And shrinks it, chokes it

I want to expand
But the fear of coming out
Of that CAGE is great
I remember last time
My soul expanded from
My cot, experiencing the world

At first, Your Love so great in me
Coming out of my HANDS
And my FEET and my HEART
So in my baby state
I could experience this
FEELING everything

I remember that moment
My first encounter of that PAIN
Of anothers judgement of me
Coming to me so intensely
I quickly learned to hide inside
It is my soul I denied

And now 47 years later....
Here I am at that cage door
That has left me helplessly
Stuck inside
No protection, really

Just stuck on that spot
For anybody to just
Prod and poke me
I only get the world
Through them now, too

I don't even know what I feel
In that state
Kept too busy trying to
Get them to stop
To dance for them
To be the puppet
The chirpy bird
All for what?

Hey, my food is empty
My water is gone
I have made myself dependant
Upon others for all of my needs

Even your love can only get to me via them

I blame them
When they don't give to me
And to look after me well
I have that key in my pocket you know

Responsibility -
Do I want it?
That will keep me in that CAGE
I would rather burden them
With the responsibility of me
Who are them - anybody

I am that frightened child
That child who wants it's own way!
The child that wants to please
To manipulate, to get stuff
I have learned to

To believe that I need
Another person to provide for me

Step up to the PLATE
Come get what you desire
From God's table
Just like these MIDDLE MEN
Who help themselves
Who created your dependancy
For control and power
Over something else
So as not to feel
Powerless and prodded through
The bars themselves

I want to play the victim
Feel sorry for me
Oh Torturer!!!
Stop doing what you are
Doing, and I don't have
To feel like I have done
Any of this to myself

There, trapped in the bubble of illusion
Fear, dependancy, addiction
Why can't I see it?
Why do I still want that?

My hand still shakes
Putting the key into the LOCK
To FREE myself
Choose LOVE, choose LOVE
Choose LOVE, the crowd roars
From the Heavens High above
(what you only just noticed that there are good ones)

Below they say
Your BAD, your UGLY
Your DUMB...
I am going to hurt you
They project anger at me
That bores into me
Like a big spear
Like a pig that gets stuck
And I bleed
Till my energy drains out
And I can't move, paralised

No more I say
You can't ever
Really kill me, anyway
I would rather DIE
Then bend to your
Treatment of me
I even would give them the finger

But then my thoughts linger
On how unloving it is to BLAME
Those torturers, who just like me
Inherited thier condition
For my willingness to stay living in fear
Rather than to experienced
My feelings and BUST
That myth, that bubble!

And just like that it is
Burst "POP"
Silently, almost invisible
Almost an anticlimax
Why the hell did I not bust it BEFORE

I was perfect, then
I learned to survive in this world
To take the "red pill" or was it the "blue pill"
It was an illusion, a ruse
One was the Truth
And the way to GOD'S LOVE

Come little creature
The door is open
Is your will crushed or destroyed
I am a little baby deer
With lovelly spots
Excited? No, not yet

I am an older one
Weary, cautious, still not trusting
I have taken a step though
Waiting for the next trap
Looking behind me

Milly  8 4 11

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