Saturday, 11 August 2012


Dali Lama "If you can help others.  If not, then at least refrain from hurthing others"
"Each individual has an opportunity to make a difference"
"To me, there is no difference whether president, beggar or king"
"Remember the six billion Human brothers and sisters on the plannet"
"Some people when we talk about compassion and love, think it is a religious matter. 
Compassion is the universal religion"
"True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being full realised"

I think I will do a page of sayings from different people that the words mean so much more, when you contemplate upon them deeply in your heart
At the moment with this blog I have been sharing what I have experienced as the emotional process, what it looks like, triggers, Law of Attractions, where I end up with at the cause, what it looks like, some pitfalls that has delayed my progression, addictions, a disclosure of how not being humble has harmed others, and my own progression. Spirits, Abortion, Illustrations so that you can get the general picture of what the whole process looks like.   It is a record of development, to see if the experiments with myself, have worked or not.   I may see or others may see my own development or not.    That I always share where to get more information, and that I am not the owner or inventor of or teacher of the information, I only pass on what I am coming across that helps me.  My hope is that I stay humble.  And lastly that I give credit to God in all of this.  For God’s Love of us, that in some way I can help introduce others to that way!!!!   I feel soon it will grow more into my desire for God, and a sharing of that desire. 
I heard a great saying from the Dali Lama, “If you can help others.  If not, then at least refrain from hurting them”.  I feel is a good philosophy on the way....... to learning about Love, the way that God wants us to know what Love is.  
In my life at moment, an Electromagnetic Wave Pulse Foot Massager is the BEE’S KNEES!!!!  A friend gave me one recently, and I love it!!!!  It is good for my health in many ways!! 
Not only do you get the benefits of Reflexology points helping the different areas relating to the body on the feet help to access emotions, the electromagnetic pulses shrug off spririts that have attatched to me over my life time.  It helps me to realise that they are there, as there becomes a clear distinction of the awareness of another person (spirit ) other than myself, and a clear distinction of my own feelings and their feelings. 
And the big truth of that I can be spirit influenced, as long as I have emotions inside of me that are unhealed.  This Truth has hit me emotionally, over the years and I have felt the shame of my arrogance and judgment towards others, and the remorse of how I have actually harmed others with these feelings inside of me.  And wanted to stay blind to that influence in me!!!!!
I feel very fortunate that in my life that I have come across much very helpful and truthful information about spirits, what goes on in the spirit world and how I can help myself, in meeting AJ Miller aka Yeshua and Mary Luck aka Mary Magdalene.  You may think that I am crazy now!!!!!  I don’t mind at all!!!!  I am only happy to share unashamedly what has helped me so much, and that I have been able to direct others towards that information so that they can receive help too.  AJ and Mary have given such great talks and seminars since I have known them. 
AJ from 2006 & Mary, a few years later...........The topics of the seminars are many and varied, topics like “Secrets of the Universe”, Spirits, and Spirit Influence, Medium ship, Processing Emotions, Freewill, How to have a personal relationship with God, What True Prayer is, God’s Love and Truth, the list of topics is endless and I have found it all the most valuable information that I have ever come across.  I feel that I probably would have had to go to get some help in the form of Perscription Drugs, which in the long run, would not have really done anything for me in finding the real cure.  Check out the Mp3 talks & notes on and more about AJ & Mary on,  God’s way of Love organisation, The Divine Truth Channel on You Tube, through Wizzard Shack.
Years ago,  when I was really into meditation to escape the body, going to spiritual churches, and new age type of events and gatherings.  I used to think arrogantly that everyone else was influenced by spirits and I wasn’t, or the one’s with me were better, or nicer than theirs, or that I didn’t have as many spirits influencing me, somehow..... 
I also had this big emotion in me, of trying to protect innocent & naive (big judgmens on my part) people from the influence of spirits, as I realised a great many people dabbling in the spirit stuff, really had no idea of what was really going on, ( I myself, still did not really have a full picture of what was really going on, but a knowing somehow that others seemed to be like lambs to the slaughter, as far as the spirits that they were aligning themselves up with).  That people would believe somebody that they could not see, never really thought to ask the spirit much about themselves to get to know them personally, and in the excitement of being able to talk to a spirit, (I can do this!!!) and wanting to feel special.  I still had this in me but thought I was above that.
Feeling responsible for them, as I had become mysteriously, the “Chair Person” I called myself, of one of the Spiritual Churches  (leader, or “Reverend” without want of that title as I felt I didn’t really know much at all, and told them this regularly,  and wanted people to become more aware, by finding out more things about the universe themselves and through the Church, I could invite many and varied speakers who had information to help others expand their perceptions about Spirits & the Universe ).  I was feeling that they had no idea of what was really going on with spirits and seeing that I knew something that they did not, that it was my duty to protect them.  I was a Mother hen, projecting fear and condescension.   
Also not so long ago, 2006 when I was more aware of the information that a friend AJ that I had met from Adelaide, I invited him to be a speaker at this church,(and have been friends with ever since) I stopped doing the church after I met him.  AJ was sharing and teaching, and still is, with those who were interested.  At that stage I seemed to be getting the information and being able to apply it to my life. 
Although much of this was still at an intellectual level, not a soul level where this would change me rapidly, I only changed at a superficial level, and got better at keeping up my facade, and at some point that arrogance that I had not worked through emotionally reared its ugly head again to be dealt with or not.  I was in a position to be able to help people, but at some point lost my humble feelings that I am only a babe in this and do not know it all, and became arrogant and judgmental towards others whom I was “helping”, as if they weren’t as capable at grasping this information and applying it as me (where as looking back now, they were probably way more capable, because they were humble and I was not).  Everybody has God in this, it is up to them if they want God’s help though.
I was still in many addictions too in wanting to please others and doing the “right” thing, despite what I truly felt in my own injured soul.  I was wanting to “LOOK GOOD”.   I was not allowing myself to feel all of my inadequacies, of not having a clue what I can truly teach others, how I can help them, feelings of fear of other people looking up to me for answers, feeling that I have to have an answer for them, and not teaching them that they need to ask all of these things of God, which was the most important thing I forgot to mention. I was in an addiction of wanting others to look up to me instead of feeling my own feelings of feeling lesser than and unimportant.
All I needed to do was to point them in the direction of the way.  That is all.  To encourage them in wanting to get to know God personally, and growing such a desire, that all else will be taken care of.
Until recently, I could not understand what I had done wrong, where I had gone wrong.  I understood it on an intellectual basis, but not at the soul level, where I just feel into the remorse of what I have done and I fully understand.  I misjudged feelings coming to me from Yeshua of the GREAT DISSAPOINTMENT, that somebody who was initially promising, in being able to help others to learn these things he was teaching, ended up just not understanding what he was teaching at all, possibly being a reminder at the time for himself emotionally of the First Century, when those that he was teaching (his disciples), were just not getting it at all .........and the triggering of whatever his own emotional realisations of this where...............and the difference between somebody “remembering the second time around, and somebody learning it for the first time, but also that this person wanting to help others to learn, and that help, in the long run being of no help, wanting to stay in emotional addictions with people,  and wanting to keep up the facade, and not be truly humble to her feelings, THAT PERSON NOT HAVING LEARNED ANY OF WHAT HE WAS TEACHING (me that is, that person)......I feel so saddened that I have been like this and that I have been that emotional trigger for the remembrance of those feelings inside of Yeshua, and the harm of the projections and the “mis-teachings”, that I have caused others.  
In my damaged state, I felt the rejection of myself, misunderstood it, did not understand what it was Truly about, and had fallen into that childhood addiction of punishing myself for being naughty, ever since, instead of getting more deeply into, emotionally why I did it, what was the cause?
I was wanting to feel good about myself, and not wanting to feel lesser than others.  I forget exactly what the emotional memory was the exact one that got me there!!!
I am sorry if I still have this projection coming from me in any way,  I don’t want to hide any warts about me.   
Of course the most loving thing way to help the spirits too is to talk to them and tell them what you are doing and why, to tell them how that they can get more help from brighter Celestial Spirits, and telling them about God.  
Some spirits may not want this information and may want to keep hanging around with you when you have stopped your 30min treatment of a very uncomfortable type of feeling that the spirits cannot withstand, before they decide to de-tatch from you.  They cannot stand to have this feeling so they go away.  If you can help them while they are de-tatched from you, then by their own decision and now, knowledge, they will not come back. 
If you do not work through the emotions and emotional beliefs that are out of harmony with God’s Truth and Love, and your addictions to having spirit’s company with you, another spirit will just come on by and can get magnetically drawn to you via those unhealed emotions.    You would need to do the electromagnetic treatment 24/7, which by manual of the machine you can do it for 30 mins at a time with 30 mins break in between and up to 6 times a day and no more.  The spirits can still come back as soon you cease doing it.
The Doctors of Mental Health used to conduct electric shock treatment in the Mental Institutions years ago. The electromagnetic wave is gentle on the body and has great benefits to the meridians and is not traumatic to the patient, and can be very relaxing.  I turn it up so that I can feel the tingling effect and on some of the settings it is slightly uncomfortable so that I easily get into feelings.  At first it may be that I feel the uncomfortable feelings of the spirit, then that feeling becomes separate to me, and my own feelings, and I am able to easily express myself. I talk to God, my guides, and the spirit as well.
I am not sure if they do shock treatment to patients in mental institutions any more.   The patients,  who by the way are really only people who are affected by spirits, who choose in their soul, to feel the emotions of the spirits rather than their own emotions, who are very open to spirits influence and attack, to the point of where it is hard for that person to want stay connected to themselves.    There are many different types of drugs that are given to patients to numb them from their feelings and feeling the emotions of the spirits now days.   
I had been doing Reflexology on my own feet, and on others to access difficult emotions, as the sensitivity of the feet when you press into the acupressure points is very similar to the deep tissue massage for accessing emotions, but not as much strength is required by the massager.
 For a little while, I was unsure about using the electromagnetic foot wave massager, as I thought that I may go against the spirits freewill, but what about my freewill?  I had to take into account that this spirit is affecting my life and my unhealed emotions are also affecting that spirits life, and one of us, who is in more Truth needs to take the situation in hand, and that is loving.
Hearing a lady who was in conversation with another friend at the time ( I was generally in the room not part of the conversation, but a customer in the friends shop), the lady was a medium and addicted to wanting spirits to give her messages for other people (as I have been in the past, to get the persons approval, somebody to like me and look up to me,  and to feel that there is something special about me ) actually she was a reflection of me a few years back, and still a bit now, as she has sickness in her body and has no idea that the addiction to wanting the spirits to hang around with her, and their common emotional injuries keeps them in a magnetic bond that even when there is no longer an addiction to wanting the spirits hanging around, makes it hard for either person or spirit to break the bond unless each are aware of what is happening and both want to deal with their own emotions that are out of harmony with love, that draw them together magnetically. 
My feelings at the time were though that I would be wasting my time telling the lady what I knew, and that I would be breaking the Law of Freewill, as she was still really wanting to have the addictions with the spirits.  Although after a bit of contemplation just now, I feel that a loving thing I may be able to do is to talk with some of the spirits with her, and appeal to them, they may be able to encourage her will to slowly change , as they already know her well.  Next time I see the friend, I feel I will talk to him, as I feel he is more willing and open to hearing what information that I have to offer than what the lady herself was, he is a medium as well.  There are always ways of being able to help people, but those ways are governed by the persons own free will, and the Laws applying to FREEWILL.
Sometimes the spirit doesn’t even know why they are somehow attracted into a person’s life.  When you die, you don’t know any more than what you left the physical world with. So when we here on earth, and we learn some information that can be helpful to spirits to progress, we can share it with them, and it is great to learn for our own benefit most of all!!!
Sometimes the spirits do know what is happening, but do not really know the Truth of what their own emotional condition is, or that they don’t really need to be doing what they are doing and that they can actually have some help, that they are not beyond help, and that their soul can be fixed, it is not permanent damage!.........  Just emotions and beliefs!!!
 Some are just out to cause harm. Some are joined with a group that are out to cause harm, but are in fear if they don’t cause harm that the rest of the group will hurt them. So there are many Truths that we can help the spirits with, and if we don’t know these Truths, especially about the harm that they keep incurring to others that they attach to, their own soul’s, making it harder each time, growing away from progressing rather than to to grow towards love, we can  to direct them towards the Brighter Celestial Spirits, whom often the darker spirits have judgments about, or fear,  and God, who they often have judgments about, or fear, so we can help them to soften, to want that help that is there for each and every one of us. 
Often they may want to stay around the vicinity of you, but not necessarily attatched with you, as when you have fully experienced the emotion that drew them to you in the first place, they can no longer be attatched to you, there no longer is a “key to the door”.  They may want to watch your progression, with God and your emotions and what happens it looks like in your Aura when these emotions leave, what God’s Love entering into you looks like and what effect it has upon you, before they have enough trust in what has been said to them and wanting to try it for themselves. 
But the fact that they can see all the colours changing in your spirit body, is such an easy way to convince them that they can change and grow and feel better that what they are feeling now, when it is explained to them, they can see it, and you know the old saying “I’ll believe it when I see it”.  It is so much easier to help a person in the spirit world than a person on earth for this reason alone.  If the spirit can start to trust that they can be helped, than they are more likely to reach out for more help from the brighter spirits, who are bright because of the amount of Truth & Love in them.  It makes sense then, easily also to ask for help from the brightest spirit, if the brightness is the gauge of the amount of Truth and Love in them.
I was feeling some extreme pain in my ovaries last night, during the day I had just been at a Medievil Festival, I’d had a stall.  An old boyfriend asked me if I wanted to come and have a stall too. I realised recently I still had some sort of thing going on, the previous time I saw him, I received a hug,  there was still an element of sexual projection going on, and I didn’t say anything, I was in an addiction of getting some kind of acceptance from him, some attention some kind of “love”.  I still let him sexually project at me, and did not say anything.  And my partner was right there, and I did not say anything to him yet either, which I will need to remedy as soon as I can.
When I allow that, without saying anything, truthfully I am being unloving to myself, him and my partner.  I didn’t realise all of this until last night after my emotional processing. What causes me to do that?
Back to the day at the Festival.......... the whole day had elements of sexual projection.  There were 2 performances of different Belly Dance Groups.  So there were the projections from the female dancers and their spirits, the projections from the male onlookers and their spirits and the projections of the female onlookers and their spirits (I was one of them).  I felt ok, some emotions came up about a feeling of loss of my beauty, femininity and being able to express myself as a woman without being harmed (sexually projected at ).  I joined a belly dancers group at quite a few years ago now, for my own health and enjoyment, but I did not perform, as I was aware of others sexual projections, and didn’t know how to not have these projections harm me.
The ladies had beautiful costumes, with bare bellies, majority of people were stopped in their tracks, entranced.  The other things that happened in the day for me where people come up and thought that my friend was my partner, also men coming up to me and being nice but trying to please me, some being nice but a bit sleezy, I received a bunch of flowers from a old man (who said my old man gave him $50 to give these to him, referring to my friend, which he didn’t of course)......just feeling into some emotions here of missing out on having a real relationship with this friend.  It was cut short in its duration by 2 female friends at different times “having a little chat to him, on my behalf” (I had not asked them to chat to him at all).
Went into the bar and had a soda water with my friend, and recapped on the day before going home.  Another of his friends joined us.  They were both drinking beer and then some spirits joined in with himself & his mate,  & spirits projected at me sexually.  I went home.
Later when I was in the tremendous pain, having lots of realisations 
Firstly, if I am in pain, there is something out of harmony with love.  Yes I hadn’t gotten to the cause of why I still wanted my friend’s sexual attention, and how unloving that was to my partner.
Realisation of male spirits projecting at me, but what that feels like in reality, it doesn’t feel nice at all!!!!  It felt like violence towards my female parts.  Why, what emotion in me wants this, or why do I allow this to happen?  Why do I want a man’s attention or many males attention?
And also, the realisation of.........female spirits projecting angrily at my female parts.   Making me ask the question, why females?
Logically, some of the females angry at me and want to punish me for allowing men, other than my partner to project sexual feelings towards me,  punishment for still being open to wanting to be wanted by the friend, some not wanting me to be in a relationship with a male at all, some being angry at me for not wanting to be sexual towards other men, some angry at me for not falling into the trap of having sex with other men, or my friend, for not being an easily manipulated target any more, some angry at me for some jealousy of others freely expressing themselves sexually (not sure if I have fully expressed this last one, that is for the next time )
The cause...........
The emotions in me that it came to was something very simple, to the flavour of my receiving of love from dad was dependent upon what mum tells dad in her report for the day on how I have behaved, or us kids in general.  I felt into some childhood, resentment and anger of this, and my own realisation of that my unexpressed anger and my fear of mum’s disapproval of it, being directed at myself via my ovaries and uterus.  I have had a similar facet of this come up another time, though, this time feeling more of how much mum was able to control me by the actuality of being able to say whatever she wanted to, mum’s control of me receiving love from dad.  Her words had the power, and I was at her mercy of her words, had no control, no say, powerless to her.
In effect in me, desperation, to get love from a man, so my belief that I formed which was not truthful, was any attention is some form of “love” and I would gain their approval.  I had anger going out to women, from my belief in error, that they have all the say, if I get loved by a man or not.  Lots of grief, of feeling that I am not allowed to have dad’s love, without another woman’s say so.  Such deep grief that what she says about me can powerfully affect whether I get love from a man or not.  
This is a really powerful emotion that the women spirits have been able to connect with me, and control me and harm me, in my addiction to wanting to please mum, and not show anger towards her, and my addiction to harm myself with the expression of the anger, out of my fear of mum’s disapproval if I would show anger towards her.  But under the radar,  my unhealed emotions of anger and resentment has been going out to all women.
There is still also the feelings about my partner that I haven’t worked through yet either.  The hitting of Truth, and the Truth sinking in has not quite occurred yet.  He is away for a few days, hopefully I will work though some more of this.......Why do I need the approval of many men?  Is not the love of one man enough?  Also, why do I not truly want the love of one just one man?  What are my beliefs around this.....and no doubt I will meet more spirits.
It is really funny now looking back and seeing how truly ignorant that I was in thinking that I did not have as many spirits, as other people had!!!!!!  I am happy to say that unfortunately I still have bus loads it seems, but I do not see it as such a hindrance, and if it LOOKS BAD to others, well I can’t help what they think of me.  In the end, they are a help really, in the way that they all have emotions that I share with them and this gives me a realisation that I must have either the same in me or the opposite.  And we can both help each other!  And I have an opportunity to act in love, to express my love, and to grow in love!!!!  My Law of Attraction, what I attract in my life to trigger certain emotions and heal ain’t bad!  I am starting to really appreciate it and I am liking it!!
Seems never ending, but it has taken me 49 years to get out of harmony, so one would expect it would take a few years to get back into harmony.......................Milly J

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