Here's some amazing seminars from the Divine Love Channel with Mary & Jesus
Sharing my personal account of growing a willingness (or not) to feel emotions that are inside the soul, to find the cause of error, to feel God's Divine Truth & Divine Love.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Sunday, 24 November 2013
God's Children
"God's Children" A Gift from the soul. Painting this one helped me personally to feel into emotions to do with having an abortion and about the Truth of Children being God's Children, that we are their guardians while they are on this earth, that we are also children of God, brothers and sisters of our children who we are the genetic parents of.
I also painted this with others in mind, who are grieving, and wanting to own their feelings, to perhaps pass on some Truths that I have learned, soul to soul. To those of you who have had an abortion, miscarried, have had a child go to the spirit world before they had a whole life time in this physical world.
To find out more about abortion and miscarriage, go to
Divine Truth FAQ Channel on You Tube (simple questions and answers )
and Divine Truth Channel (longer 1 - 2hr seminar on a variety of topics
An Example Of A Simple Emotional Process - A great big "Cause" of many emotional beliefs causing later events in my life
Emotional Beliefs from your childhood can stunt the growth of your soul and cause you to act on these beliefs many times over in your life, that stunt your soul more each time.
Not losing sight that this emotion is the cause of why I want to please my daddy, and finding in recent post the selfish reason I had for aborting my child, was to please a new lover in fear of losing his love.
An example of a simple process, of Emotional processing. An emotional event that stirs up some feelings, just feeling into the pains in the body (resistance) , not rejecting that feeling, asking God to hold me while I feel.
What started the pain, was my feelings of anger towards my partner, I was being unloving and judging what he was doing that didn't please me (capping & blocking resistance), rather than feeling how I was truly feeling (causes)
After allowing my current adult feelings, this triggered my feelings of how I felt about my dad in my childhood, how his drinking kept him away from home well into the evening, grief & hopelessness, fear, mum's feelings like the alcohol being a lover that you can never get rid of, and such rage towards this "lover" and the grief of not having his love.
Breathing into the pain on both sides of my lower tummy area, some rage from my partner/dad's projections of rage too, about being made feel guilty and feeling like not having free will to do as he pleases. Feeling into my feelings of grief of not feeling dad's love, that he did not want to spend time with me and play with me. Simple feelings in a small babes existence. Feeling to blame, that it is my fault, and feeling the grief of feeling that way. Just allowing those feelings of fear & grief flow out of me.
Then pain in my left shoulder, so heavy such a big burden, mum's belief's about men in your life, this emotional belief having become my own, that having them in your life makes life harder, not any easier. The grief of this heavy, heavy burden of feeling like the day to day bringing up children is so hard to bear, no help coming from the man, feeling no love, no valued family time with the husband, just emotional struggle. Grief of the years and years of feeling this way.
I knew in my mind that those sorts of feelings were there (intellectual ). It has taken such a long time to want to not reject feeling unloved to this extent and to surrender to the overwhelm of these feelings.
Here's another thing, never judge a simple feeling and push it aside as being insignificant to your growth if you allow yourself to feel it. It could be the key to some of your deepest feelings that are the core of your emotional damage.
Want to know more about delving into the emotions inside your soul. Go to Divine Truth Channel on You Tube and Divine Truth FAQ Channel.
Finding The Way Back to Forgiveness & Happiness
Here is a link to a movie I was watching recently. What a movie of hardship, survival & endurance, a group of people who had escaped from being prisoners, into the wild freezing Siberia, found their way through to Mongolia, Tibet, extremes of temperatures, and beyond, this movie had me feeling into some feelings in my own life triggering some personal stuff. My partner was rewinding the movie at times to see if he had missed something in the movie, that I had noticed and he hadn't, not understanding what had set me off.
I am on about forgiveness. One of these soul touching moments, in the movie the person who they all looked up to as the leader (younger Polish Man ), and the old American Guy were talking about forgiveness. Forced by circumstance, the old man had gravely harmed his son, and from then on his life had been filled with self punishment and torment. The Polish Man had had something done to him by somebody dear to him, which imprisoned him for his life, which was bound to be shortened after being lined up for working in the gruelling mines, hence the urgency of the escape (trying not to spoil the movie too much ). The younger Polish man's main drive in life was to go back to the person who had betrayed him, so that that person could end their own suffering and torment for what they had been forced to do by circumstances, and be forgiven by him.
Well I find my life being guided so beautifully by events, as to discovering what is still laying unhealed in my soul. My guides I am so grateful too, God and my beautiful aborted daughter. Basically this movie has triggered more of my grief of what I have done, and showing to me how much I keep myself in my prison of torment, that is so hard for my guides and my daughter to get through to me, to my heart, not my mind, that I am forgiven. Even now as I sit here and type, I can only tell you how hard it has been to attempt to work through all of the feelings to do with having had an abortion. There are waves of emotions rising, a little joy of acceptance of some of God's Truth, then some more rising of shame as a cellular heat and some more grief. One day it will be all gone, that shame & grief, and I will be more willing to feel so much more of God's Love!!
I have also had some incredulous grief expressed of how much I have tortured myself, and the emotional realisation of causing all of my own health problems since around 2004 by not accepting emotionally God's Truth of Forgiveness.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Your Rain Is Love
Thank you for the Rai – ain
God I feel your sweet sweet Love
You have for me
My Dry Dry old heart
Was oh, so parched and shrunken
I thought I would never, never, never
Feel it again
I didn’t realise
How much you care for me
I can feel my soul and it’s reality
Reaching out
Wanting you
To know you
To feel you
To grow towards you
To love you, to love you, to love you, to love you
Voice instrumental
Your rain is Lov- ove
A soothing, soothing balm, soothing
For my heart, for my heart, for my heart
My tears wash away
My fears, they’re not real, those fears
I am in your arms, I am in your arms, Iam in your arms,
I am in your arms, I am in your arms, Iam in your arms,
Voice instrumental in between...... ooooh ye-eeaaah
Written 30/12/2012
To a Jazzy/Blues beat key or Am, with keyboard and synth
God I feel your sweet sweet Love
You have for me
My Dry Dry old heart
Was oh, so parched and shrunken
I thought I would never, never, never
Feel it again
I didn’t realise
How much you care for me
I can feel my soul and it’s reality
Reaching out
Wanting you
To know you
To feel you
To grow towards you
To love you, to love you, to love you, to love you
Voice instrumental
Your rain is Lov- ove
A soothing, soothing balm, soothing
For my heart, for my heart, for my heart
My tears wash away
My fears, they’re not real, those fears
I am in your arms, I am in your arms, Iam in your arms,
I am in your arms, I am in your arms, Iam in your arms,
Voice instrumental in between...... ooooh ye-eeaaah
Written 30/12/2012
To a Jazzy/Blues beat key or Am, with keyboard and synth
By the Fire
By the fire
Alone, the quiet stillness....
Watching the fire burn through
To the different seasons of life
Howling with the full Moon’s silver gold light
Illuminating those flying clouds
That keep rolling by
Like a sped up film
Smoke trails, rising skyward
Joined by ashy sparks
Of Twinkling orange lights
All decorating the night
A silent bat flies overhead
Been feasting at a Ghost Gum
Standing tall in the night air
It’s blossom, a fragrance to entice
Flying creatures there.
A sweet nectar, sacred incense, offered to the sky
I am glad to witness the serenity
Sad at first, feeling aloneness in the dark
In my stillness, I was filled with the Truth
I am never alone
That you are real God,
Your child
I belong
Alone, the quiet stillness....
Watching the fire burn through
To the different seasons of life
Howling with the full Moon’s silver gold light
Illuminating those flying clouds
That keep rolling by
Like a sped up film
Smoke trails, rising skyward
Joined by ashy sparks
Of Twinkling orange lights
All decorating the night
A silent bat flies overhead
Been feasting at a Ghost Gum
Standing tall in the night air
It’s blossom, a fragrance to entice
Flying creatures there.
A sweet nectar, sacred incense, offered to the sky
I am glad to witness the serenity
Sad at first, feeling aloneness in the dark
In my stillness, I was filled with the Truth
I am never alone
That you are real God,
Your child
I belong
Sunday, 17 November 2013
How Far Will I Go
Well, I seem to post a whole bunch of stuff together, although there has been a time lapse in between writing posts. Still going towards THE WAY to GOD.
My partner and I have been busy, he has been undergoing treatment for Tonsil Cancer, and now getting over the treatment. Which was Radiation & Chemotherapy. Travel to the doctors in Brisbane, getting tests done, living in Brisbane in a flat for 7 weeks, travelling to and from home in the country, to check on the doggies, cats & Horse. One of our little mates, (my partner's closest buddy) Ducci the cat never to be seen again since the first week of treatment, just to get the ball rolling. That was a huge thing to have to go back to Brisbane and tell my partner. That little cat had touched our lives. One of the many events recently, they just kept on happening.
Oh Boy, do our souls want us to feel!!!!! My Law of Attraction has been so ramped up, I have been quite happy in the sense that I have been very open to feeling. Although the feelings haven't been happy, but feeling better for it now. My partner is moving along with it all too, but that's for him to say.
Have kept a bit of a diary, to keep myself on track. Written some poems. Just gotta find where I stored them......... so some of that will perhaps appear in later posts.
After watching more on the Abortion Videos, particularly S2 noticing my addiction with males more, to please them, above what I want, compromising myself and not valuing my unborn child's life. (this is starting to hit me a bit more now in my breaks from computer ) And allowing myself to start to notice, a big part of me did actually want to have a child, and be a family, I have been grieving that a quite bit. (I am not blaming it on the man here ) I have just recently emotionally realised my huge addiction with pleasing mummy and felt some causal stuff, if felt cellular. I wondered, ok now, where is the daddy stuff?
The Big Clincher, I ask myself, why did I do it?? The abortion, that is. Well I know I keep harping on about the abortion. If you watch the 2nd video about abortion, you will get to the part, where Jesus/AJ talks about after working through the emotional beliefs & causes, then you will have found a lot of emotional reasons of why you did a lot of other stuff in your life, and I know that this is just a huge thing in my life!!!
I also ask, what are my purely selfish reasons to murder? Big addiction to pleasing the man, and fear of losing the man, not wanting anything to stand in my way to blow my chances of a new relationship especially knowing that in his (man at the time ) first relationship he did not believe his girlfriends child was his own, and was resentful about the possibility of bringing up somebody else's ( just so happened that his own father had brought up a friend's (who died in the war ) son as his partner at the time's brother, sorry if I am confusing. If you have read previous posts about abortion, you will have noticed that aspects of this have come up in the past. But I haven't been to the depth of cellular emotions like I have felt recently with my feelings about my angry mum and my addictions to please the angry woman.
So I still new and haven't recognised my addiction in my heart yet, to want to please the Angry Man to feel loved, and the implications that that Angry Man. I am knowing that I feel half baked, but the process doesn't want to hurry up, I don't want to feel that yet. So all I can do is ask why? I don't want to see the truth of how much I will compromise myself, and what act I will do to please a man. This also brings me again to, how much I compromise myself and act out of harmony with love in my attempt to please angry people, male female, old, young.
Holding onto Unfogivness of Myself To Cover Deeper Injuries
I feel like if I don't want to be humble and feel my emotions, then the brighter spirits don't want to stay around me. Which is an indication when I am being unloving. As they want to teach me about love, and they are acting in accordance with my will. So that is when I relate to darker spirits again. So the use of my will totally chooses who in the spirit world that I hang around with.
The brighter spirits, limited in their influence now because of my will. "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make her drink". Only she can do that and she needs to want it!!! The will to die, has been a heavy one for you Milly. We have only been able to help you in a limited way. We are sorry that you can't focus on the way to God as freely as you once were. Where have you gone wrong you ask? What is your desire, Milly, what do you want?"
I seem to be moving further and further away from God!!! And I am drowning in it. Am I damaging my soul every day more and more? Instead of walking towards God in learning the lessons of love. Obviously I don't want to implement some of the lessons, resisting change, afraid of taking action. It seems like I am degenerating. Is that, that I am noticing more about myself and not liking that, and walking away from it rather than wanting to fix it up in me, thinking that it is too hard? Or I just don't want to anymore? Boiled down it must be that I fear to uncover more darkness in me that I judge myself over, more than my later adult things that I did, has that been easier to cope with, as I can turn around and blame myself. and not have to look any deeper.
So is that why I want to hold onto the unforgiveness in myself, so I don't look any further and find out deeper causes, and injuries that I received and finding the real truth. Right now, in between the breaks of crying, my heart is really hurting, as these words are coming out of me. I am so afraid of overwhelm.
Each time I let go of some more of the fear of overwhelm, I get a bit closer to not resisting day just go there!!!
When You Are Ready, The Teacher Comes
Cushna came to visit me the other night! He is such a loving spirit, and I wondered why his presence was with me?
I have had a desire to teach children art, but I don't want to harm their souls, and I don't want to clock up more compensation on my soul in choosing actions that are out of harmony with love. So I have been tentatively teaching art with some children !!! I am afraid of harming them from the unhealed emotions, and myself, as in clocking up more Karma (compensation & more things to be remorseful about!!
But I do need to take some sort of action on my desires!
I have a small art class that is having a break at the moment for me to work through some emotions, and for the children to decide if they do actually want the art classes, and that it is not just the mother's wanting this for the children, as there is some behavioural things going on, being reflected at both me and the parents of the children, and some addictions wanting to be played out, unloving actions & demands from the older children.
So there is still a great deal for me to work through in my out of whack beliefs, a bit more desire to do it though, less desire to harm, and learning how I act in harmony with Love.
I have been feeling like spending some more time with Cushna, who is a Celestial Spirit who particularly loves children, and is a caring person who teaches people who have a desire to help others, who is a teacher in a book "Through The Mists" (R J Lees ), learning alongside the other wonderful spirit who channelled the book through RJ Lees (a medium) from 1860's.
At the moment, in the book, we have all just visited a lady Marie (another spirit, as we are in the spirit world), after 20yrs of being trapped in a jealous rage and finally could not stand the emotional state of pain any longer, is in the state of repentance for what she has done in her jealousy to other people, during her life. She recounts her storey so emotionally! Working through her feelings, speaking out loud and admitting what she has done, taking ownership what she has done, seeing & feeling different aspects of why she did it, feeling the remorse of what she has done, and then as the emotions move through her as a bodily experience, she falls in a heap and rests, another beautiful spirit ministers to her, and we all leave.
Each time Cushna brings somebody who wants to learn how to help others, she is one of the people that they get to visit. Every time she recounts what has happened, she is fully connected to the experience of it, and fully connecting to her sorrow, it helps her to forget it bit by bit! Until one day, all of it will be gone from her!
So I thank the BlogSpot for helping me to speak out use my own voice to own what I have done, and I thank you for being my silent visitor!!
This has really touched me, reading this about Marie, and looking at my own life! When I thought that my guides have not been with me, when I have been in my "pits of feelings, my yuckies, my dark side, and dark spirits, my self punishment, & finally my remorse...I realise now, this I feel is what I have been ever so SLOWLY working through my self, and with my guides watching & waiting with great care, each time patiently waiting for me to keep feeling my remorse bit by bit, working though the different reasons why, what caused me to have no care for another's life, to take it as if it was nothing, and it was mine to do that! Silently helping to guide me towards things to help me leading the way, when my will & intuition allow it!
My belief in my error, that what I believed to be true! FEAR, my ruler, my God.
A thin line, remorse & self punishment! The remorse helps the soul heal, the self punishment harms the soul and helps me to stay in an addiction, a belief in that I am so BAD that I will never be able to have inner peace EVER (around the abortion issue, , I have had a friend reflect to me that, she would never be able to live with herself ( she has never had an abortion herself) and she feels sorry for me because she believes I will never be able to make peace with myself, she did say it is between myself & my maker..... I wanted to rebel against this, my Law of Attraction, and pretend that I don't really believe that I would never find peace! Or be forgiven ! Sometimes people speak out loud to you what you don't want to hear that your own soul is saying to you. Some times though, it is the voices of spirits, taunting you, wanting you to stay in a hopeless direction, and what they themselves believe! But whose ever voice it is, it is telling you something about yourself, leading you somewhere into discovery of what is in your soul unnoticed or being ignored by you!
That really helped me to see my own self persecution! Of the punishment that I had decided in my error, that I deserved never to find peace for what I have done deserved never to be forgiven!
I can still feel that I have some emotions & errors around cruelty to others out of resentment of not being treated well, and expectations of others to learn the lessons of love, so as not to harm me.
And wanting to treat others as lesser than me, in resentment of being treated like I am lesser than others, to avoid the grief.
So I need to be humble if I can, and stay away from children I teach, when I am not.
In the past, working through emotions of not having had the experience of rearing children, wanting to feel like I am a woman, to fit in, to belong, if I have something to do with children.
At the moment (months later) I did not continue with the particular afterschool group that all met at one child's house.. It seemed unloving to continue the way it was going. So it seems I am not ready yet. I did some workshops a few months back, for the Holidays at the Gallery, and parts of it went really well., although, it seems though my persecution of myself was picked up by some of the children and I am treated at times not very lovingly. They were a perfect reflection of what is going on inside of me. I feel in a better place at the moment to address this treatment of myself and other children who are treated unlovingly, but I have decided that doing workshops with children at other organisations is not the way to go for me or the children under their rules and regulations. I still feel it is too early yet to do more workshops as I feel I would be still inflicting my injuries upon the children. Needing to work through some more beliefs in me.
2 Videos from the Divine Truth Channel on You Tube talking About Abortion
These videos are very informative. please watch if you are contemplating abortion, have had an abortion, or miscarriage, or you have performed an abortion. This could change your life and change others lives! In the world there are 44 million abortions each year. You will come out the other end of these videos with a greater understanding of the Gift of Life, and much more.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Prayer, Learning God's Language of Love & The Truth of My will controls what comes into & goes out of my soul!
The process all starts with Asking for love, If I ask for love, then I expose a fear..........the date of the talk will be 23rd June 2013 if you look on the Divine Truth you tube channel.
This was one great leap, which I stumbled upon, not recognising the importance as such, while ago that seemed to come natural at the time, was just wanting to Love that time, this opened me up to God's love to a greater degree!!! I received the most astounding Love & Joy from God, can't describe the feeling in words as it seems clumsy in comparison. The talk on the weekend reminded me again, Jesus & Mary termed it like a tug on God's clothing!!! We all know how we respond to a little child wanting our love!!
Something since my one great leap, in me is resisting again though, so, in the advice that Mary gave us, that Jesus had given to her, was ask "what am I afraid of?"
Also the talk alerted me to me not knowing how to shift the focus on the false "truth "of my error! My Fear becoming my God.
And another important message the slapped me in the face a bit to wake up MY WILL CONTROLS WHAT COMES INTO & GOES OUT OF MY SOUL!! That was a biggie! That my will is totally responsible for all the crap, (kinda knew this intellectually, which is not knowing it in my soul, but the taking of the responsibility for it, for me seems to be a series of slaps in the face and feeling that emotionally!!! That day it really hit me about spirits, has been a bit of a bug bear that they come around seemingly uninvited! (and I blame them!!) Wrong, very wrong....when I use my will & don't want to be humble, & don't want Truth, and use my Faith for believing in fear, & my actions are out of harmony of what acting (not sure if acting, has a good connotation, not meaning pretending, automatically doing an act of Love, without any thought) in harmony with Love is like!
"What am I afraid of?"...afraid to feel love! what is it? Do I want to give love, or believe I can give love? Do I want to receive love? What will happen if I receive Love? Will I be expected to then do something that I don't want to do to have more? Carrot & the stick, if I receive Love, will it then be taken away? Do I So I won't name too many, as I am not really feeling into it, so it is just intellectual. But I am sure you can come up with quite a number of your own fears to work through emotionally!
I am also really pleased to say I have been starting to be in the presence of some brighter spirits a bit more now, as I was very much in the presence of some darker spirits that matched my soul feelings. So I am not sure exactly what the difference is, a desire in my soul changed, some addictions that I no longer keep fostering....have been feeling into some deep causes, getting past the resentment, into the fears, getting into my own grief, and the grief of the grief, and I feel a slow change in my beliefs in myself changing. A slow growth, but the foundations of me not so undermined & becoming stronger bit by bit!!!
On account was around being a medium as a child, was told that what I was seeing wasn't real, so I needed to be dependant upon others to tell me what is!!!!! Wow I could not believe how this undermined me so young!!! How many parents in their not knowing what else to do, try to help their child's fears, and say something like "It's alright my darling, that's not real" I would not have realised the repercussions that it would have for the little child!!
Anyway that's it for now! Milly :) will put some links to some Divine Truth stuff on here soon, to make it easier to find things!
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
More on Abortion and what childhood emotional injuries would cause me to do that?
Why God, what would cause me to treat an unborn child like that? Is the question in my heart this morning.....feeling remorse for how I rejected and murderously bullied my unborn child out of existence on this physical life. I was reading a book... the guy who, as a child had been adopted by loving parents, and had been brought up knowing that he had been adopted, but law in that country made it impossible for the real parent to be found (later in life was re-united ) ....his words that he felt when the child feelings inside of hit him were ...felt like he didn't deserve to be loved or even to exist!!!!"
I taught my unborn child this & much more,by having an abortion (written other blogs about other related emotions).......been feeling so much about what I did to my daughter, how I felt as a child. I have these feeling inside of me of not deserving to be loved or even to exist also, that obviously I did not want to feel the cause of. The Law of Attraction comes to us in many ways...God shows us the truth in our day to day lives if we really want to know.
I asked the question what would cause me to do that act of abortion, my feelings have been coming out, at first I thought that I might burst with the gush of know down in the depths of the deep dark, of the major emotions (which I was unwilling until now to unveil that I had within myself)......a murderous childhood rage at wanting to harm another (I was the youngest, there wasn't anybody else younger than me) somebody without any power to fight back, my rage (denial of the fear & grief of ) feelings of what was projected at me before birth, at birth, and during my child hood from parents & siblings, spirits...particularly my own sister & other spirits 'who felt the same as her & used her rage to act out their own rage & jealousy (mum's unhealed jealousy of her own little sister ). I had been under threat since my birth as the youngest. I did the same to my own daughter....knowing how that feels, only now allowing myself to feel the Truth, the true grief, I did that too, rather than what I have been doing until now, judging myself (to get away from feeling) as not deserving to be loved by God, and that it would be better if I didn't exist, as a punishment. God is not a punishing God. God loves me and already has forgiven me, but God's law of Compensation has been working on my soul. The Law of Repentance is a higher Law, which requires me to be truly repentant in my soul, to find the real cause of why I did it and to feel that cause emotionally, that's when the Law of Compensation is no longer enacting on my soul, as I have chosen in my own soul to be repentant.
The childhood emotions around the subject of your own self, as a new born, firstly the parent feeling quite burdened already by the existing hungry mouths to feed, and how much work that it entailed caring for children, not the sex that was perhaps expected, all these unmasked feelings that are projected at you in the womb and as you enter the world, parents fears about money, baby in the way of having a sexual relationship, the siblings unmasked feelings of pure rage, jealousy and hate, feeling that it is your fault that they no longer get the attention that they want. Also the many years & events of time spent sharing a room with the seething sibling.
From that young age I have beliefs like....there is something bad about me just the way that I am
That I am no good the way that I am.
Not knowing what I have done wrong, feeling that there is something inherently wrong, for that person to hate me, they just hate me
That I am unloveable
Displayed in addictions of.................such a huge desire to belong
a huge demand upon the world to be loved
A huge desire to become a chameleon, to not want know myself at all and make myself into that person that I think that another person wants me to be, to get somebody to like something about me, and to accept me so that I get a feeling like I belong.
Feelings inside the womb fear for your existence, when the parents feel like they wish you didn't exist. Fears outside the womb, for your existence when they still wish you didn't exist, or you siblings wished you didn't exist or acted on their rage....start to work out strategies as such a young age like....gotta get that person on side starts so young, not being your self, hiding how you feel, eg being cute instead of crying your guts out to get the "likes" cause people don't like a crying baby.
I remember having a healing once, in the healing, I had emotional awareness that I was in total denial of how damaging and murderous at times my own mothers feelings were towards me & my was shown to be with a feeling of being stabbed in the heart, by a hand with a knife, continuously twisting that knife in my heart. That hand belonged to my mother. It has taken a long time to accept that, and to also get over the resentment of that, (my denial of deeper feelings & my demand to be loved) and to want to feel the fear & grief, and to put 2 & 2 together so that if finally clicked in my heart that I have done the same to my own unborn child, except I acutally got to live and experience my own life!!!!! she wasn't so the shoe is on the other foot! I was able to drop my resentment! coinciding with a good dose of Truth from God, my parents didn't get rid of me, and they did not murder me!!!!!!! ......and just feel.
I had a whole list of fears ( for example, security based, fears of loss of love from parents, boyfriend, fear of not knowing what to do, fears of being just like my own parents) that were blocking my deeper darker Ugly feelings, which boiled down to I did not want to take responsibility for and love and care for a helpless dependant child that I brought into existence. I destroyed & discarded her I ignored for years that she actually had a real existence......and nobody would ever know here on earth, unless I told them what I had done. (the shame of the admission of what I had done, took me many years to even want to face what I had done ). I did not have enough love inside of me to make a decision to keep my own child alive and care for her, like my parents did for me. My little unborn child did not get a chance.
I have discovered, I vented my rage(denial of my own childhood feelings) on somebody more helpless, that could not speak up for herself, and be counted and that I would not have to be accountable for. (not so through Karma, God's Laws of Compensation that immediately affect my soul ). Our society in general doesn't really think much about a few cells growing inside a womb that a few weeks old, depending also what your parents teach you as well, and both parents can have opposing ideas about abortion (lots of stuff about this in other blogs I have written).
I have had a relationship with my aborted daughter in the spirit world for many years now. There are some great talks from AJ Miller & Mary Luck AKA known as Jesus & Mary. Have a look on Divine Truth Channel on You Tube, the Divine Truth website, there are so many great talks on so many subjects, in this case, especially on Abortion and "The Secrets of The Universe" "God's Laws of Love", "Natural Love & Divine Love"about the existence of the soul.
Have you watched the abortion video on you tube called the silent scream? I watched it quite a few years back now, it is a very helpful DVD to witness what actually happens to the unborn child. If you want to know the Truth of the action, please watch it!!
I taught my unborn child this & much more,by having an abortion (written other blogs about other related emotions).......been feeling so much about what I did to my daughter, how I felt as a child. I have these feeling inside of me of not deserving to be loved or even to exist also, that obviously I did not want to feel the cause of. The Law of Attraction comes to us in many ways...God shows us the truth in our day to day lives if we really want to know.
I asked the question what would cause me to do that act of abortion, my feelings have been coming out, at first I thought that I might burst with the gush of know down in the depths of the deep dark, of the major emotions (which I was unwilling until now to unveil that I had within myself)......a murderous childhood rage at wanting to harm another (I was the youngest, there wasn't anybody else younger than me) somebody without any power to fight back, my rage (denial of the fear & grief of ) feelings of what was projected at me before birth, at birth, and during my child hood from parents & siblings, spirits...particularly my own sister & other spirits 'who felt the same as her & used her rage to act out their own rage & jealousy (mum's unhealed jealousy of her own little sister ). I had been under threat since my birth as the youngest. I did the same to my own daughter....knowing how that feels, only now allowing myself to feel the Truth, the true grief, I did that too, rather than what I have been doing until now, judging myself (to get away from feeling) as not deserving to be loved by God, and that it would be better if I didn't exist, as a punishment. God is not a punishing God. God loves me and already has forgiven me, but God's law of Compensation has been working on my soul. The Law of Repentance is a higher Law, which requires me to be truly repentant in my soul, to find the real cause of why I did it and to feel that cause emotionally, that's when the Law of Compensation is no longer enacting on my soul, as I have chosen in my own soul to be repentant.
The childhood emotions around the subject of your own self, as a new born, firstly the parent feeling quite burdened already by the existing hungry mouths to feed, and how much work that it entailed caring for children, not the sex that was perhaps expected, all these unmasked feelings that are projected at you in the womb and as you enter the world, parents fears about money, baby in the way of having a sexual relationship, the siblings unmasked feelings of pure rage, jealousy and hate, feeling that it is your fault that they no longer get the attention that they want. Also the many years & events of time spent sharing a room with the seething sibling.
From that young age I have beliefs like....there is something bad about me just the way that I am
That I am no good the way that I am.
Not knowing what I have done wrong, feeling that there is something inherently wrong, for that person to hate me, they just hate me
That I am unloveable
Displayed in addictions of.................such a huge desire to belong
a huge demand upon the world to be loved
A huge desire to become a chameleon, to not want know myself at all and make myself into that person that I think that another person wants me to be, to get somebody to like something about me, and to accept me so that I get a feeling like I belong.
Feelings inside the womb fear for your existence, when the parents feel like they wish you didn't exist. Fears outside the womb, for your existence when they still wish you didn't exist, or you siblings wished you didn't exist or acted on their rage....start to work out strategies as such a young age like....gotta get that person on side starts so young, not being your self, hiding how you feel, eg being cute instead of crying your guts out to get the "likes" cause people don't like a crying baby.
I remember having a healing once, in the healing, I had emotional awareness that I was in total denial of how damaging and murderous at times my own mothers feelings were towards me & my was shown to be with a feeling of being stabbed in the heart, by a hand with a knife, continuously twisting that knife in my heart. That hand belonged to my mother. It has taken a long time to accept that, and to also get over the resentment of that, (my denial of deeper feelings & my demand to be loved) and to want to feel the fear & grief, and to put 2 & 2 together so that if finally clicked in my heart that I have done the same to my own unborn child, except I acutally got to live and experience my own life!!!!! she wasn't so the shoe is on the other foot! I was able to drop my resentment! coinciding with a good dose of Truth from God, my parents didn't get rid of me, and they did not murder me!!!!!!! ......and just feel.
I had a whole list of fears ( for example, security based, fears of loss of love from parents, boyfriend, fear of not knowing what to do, fears of being just like my own parents) that were blocking my deeper darker Ugly feelings, which boiled down to I did not want to take responsibility for and love and care for a helpless dependant child that I brought into existence. I destroyed & discarded her I ignored for years that she actually had a real existence......and nobody would ever know here on earth, unless I told them what I had done. (the shame of the admission of what I had done, took me many years to even want to face what I had done ). I did not have enough love inside of me to make a decision to keep my own child alive and care for her, like my parents did for me. My little unborn child did not get a chance.
I have discovered, I vented my rage(denial of my own childhood feelings) on somebody more helpless, that could not speak up for herself, and be counted and that I would not have to be accountable for. (not so through Karma, God's Laws of Compensation that immediately affect my soul ). Our society in general doesn't really think much about a few cells growing inside a womb that a few weeks old, depending also what your parents teach you as well, and both parents can have opposing ideas about abortion (lots of stuff about this in other blogs I have written).
I have had a relationship with my aborted daughter in the spirit world for many years now. There are some great talks from AJ Miller & Mary Luck AKA known as Jesus & Mary. Have a look on Divine Truth Channel on You Tube, the Divine Truth website, there are so many great talks on so many subjects, in this case, especially on Abortion and "The Secrets of The Universe" "God's Laws of Love", "Natural Love & Divine Love"about the existence of the soul.
Have you watched the abortion video on you tube called the silent scream? I watched it quite a few years back now, it is a very helpful DVD to witness what actually happens to the unborn child. If you want to know the Truth of the action, please watch it!!
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